Receive spiritual guidance on your current challenges 
and shift the energy that's been weighing you down

Are you feeling stuck or uncertain about a challenging situation in your life
right now? 

Could you use a
different perspective to help you navigate  your way forward?

The women I support usually feel limited in their challenges, until I open their Akashic Records, and channel divine guidance that sheds light on on their situation. 


Move past feeling
stuck and confused


Get channeled insight and energy healing to support your present life situation

A fresh enlightening perspective of your situation and yourself that can create
a 180 degree shift.
An expanded state of consciousness that opens you to new ideas, possibilities, and a totally different approach to life.
A feeling of ease, trust, flow and openness that creates a shift in days, weeks, and months moving forward. 


HERE's what you could experience:

"My channeling session with Xandrine was incredible. Her warmth, compassion, and authenticity made the session feel safe and comfortable, and she has an amazing ability to tap into higher wisdom.

I felt seen, heard, and understood on a soul level, and the messages conveyed were so empowering and uplifting. It left me with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking spiritual guidance." 

"Her insights were spot on and deeply transformative."


"I had the pleasure of doing a session with Xandrine for two challenging situations. The clarity, truth, respect and compassion Xandrine brought to her work made it very comfortable for me to receive and integrate the guidance which came through her from my divine team. 

After, I felt calm and peaceful instead of emotionally reactive and in turn was able to make decisions from a place of loving kindness and inner strength with the best interest of all involved as my intent. I greatly appreciate Xandrine's integrity as a channel. She is the real deal."

"After, I felt calm & peaceful...
in turn, able to make decisions from a place of loving kindness and inner strength."


“I had a session with Xandrine and wasn’t really sure what I needed. After she listened to me, she got to the heart of it and pulled through EXACTLY what I needed to hear. It created a big shift for me that is still working days later.

Everything she brought through was spot on, and the session had a huge impact on how I feel - relaxed and just being able to trust where I’m at. And that was after only one session! Xandrine is such a beautiful soul with an amazing gift to get to the heart of what you need and what is in your highest good. She is an absolute goddess!”

“Her session made a huge impact on how I feel - much more relaxed and able to trust myself and where I’m at. Everything was spot on.”

-Claire Ward

“My session with Xandrine was so beautiful. She holds such a pure, safe and loving container that I felt deeply held. Her light language was a delight to experience and felt so healing. 

Since our session, I feel more clear and embodied. Do your future self a favor and book with her!”

“I have worked with lots of healers and Xandrine has given me one of my most favorite and powerful sessions yet. 


“I had a session with Xandrine during a major transitional time of my life. She took me through a sacred process and created such a safe space for healing that I was able to fully open to what came through for me.

Her Divine Feminine Energy and soft melodic light language felt like a cocoon of love surrounding me. For days after our session, I felt so alive, grounded, and centered. It was truly a magical experience; I highly recommend her! 

"Days after our session I felt so alive, grounded and centered...truly a magical experience."


"Xandrine held a strong and beautiful ethereal field of sacred space during a massive healing for me. She led me through an intensely delicate and painful memory of the horrors of my son’s death into a reweaving of loving and sacred honoring of that timeline.

During the entire process, I felt safe and held in her many carnations as a powerful healing alchemist. 

When the session was complete the shift in my grief was palpable. The horror I had carried for seven long years was gone. I am filled with gratitude and love for Xandrine. 
I highly recommend receiving healing from Xandrine!"

"The shift in my grief was palpable. The horror I had carried for sevel long years was gone."


"Xandrine is a welcoming soul. I felt comfortable telling her some personal struggles I've been through. Through a zoom call, she is able to create a secure and safe space.

Truthfully, I walked in not really knowing to expect, but I am so glad that I had this experience. I did not realize how much weight my feelings held and how habituated I got, feeling that way. The lightness I felt following the session spoke to how much this helped me."

"“This experience was so healing for me.”

-MElissa velasquez

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FULL energy healing 

2-3 questions

90 minute session

Full Session

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1-2 questions 

45 minute session

Mini Session


MINI energy healing 


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I use Reiki, which can support relaxation and stress relief by allowing healing energy to flow through the body, and light language, a healing frequency that creates resonance on a soul level. This can support you to override lower vibrational frequencies, increase your life force energy, and come back to your natural state of abundance.

What is energy healing and what exactly
do you use?

I get into a meditative state with you and say a prayer to connect to Universal Consciousness / God and ask for guidance. Through my gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance I verbally relay information that intuitively comes through, and then offer an energy healing if necessary.

how does the session work?

The Akashic Records are like a cosmic library that holds the history and potential of your soul - and we can tap into that wisdom to get clarity on your current situation. It’s a modality that I am trained in to support you to reconnect with your soulful essence and higher self.

what are the akashic records?