4 Tips To Stay Consistent with Your Yoga Practice

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  1. Haley says:

    Drinie!!! I am SO happy about your blog:))

    I am an instructor myself- but due to some personal things I have taken a little hiatus from my yoga practice, and I am really feeling the effects. This was just the post I needed to get myself back on my mat- even if it ends up only being prana work, some cat cows and a savasana- you have motivated me. As always;)

    Thank you!! So excited to watch the blog grow <3

    Love, your friends at Freebirdfashion.org

    • Drinie Aguilar says:

      Haley!! I’m sooo glad to hear that. 🙂

      And yeah good thinking to just to keep it simple. Sometimes all we really need is a few asanas, and like you mentioned prana, some cat cows and savasana. I may have to add another tip that just came to me as I read this.

      I got sick recently & was reminded that when we’re too {fill in the blank} to practice – ironically it’s when we need to practice the most, and sometimes just 5-10 minutes can make a huge difference.

      I just checked out your site… reading through the getting your shit together series. Brilliant! Lol! Thanks for dropping by xo

  2. Loving this, Drinie! keep up the great work!

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