Get A Morning Manifestation Ritual

Download this free guide for you to create a powerful morning manifestation ritual to support you in bringing your big vision to life. 


There’s no coincidence that you landed here.

I see you wanting more out of life - success, love, money, abundance…

Eventually the universe places people in your path to support you.

Consider this A SIGN that you're in the right place, at the right time.  

I’ve dedicated the last 5 years to help soul-led, spiritual women like you turn self doubt into unstoppable confidence
to create the life they want to live...

Because we don't see our own blindspots, and together we get you to where you want to be - much faster than figuring it all out on your own.

I’m Xandrine, a Certified Mindset and Manifestation Coach, NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist

Hi beautiful sister! Welcome.

Ready to create the life you've been dreaming of?

You've been a go-getter your whole life. You've reached a certain amount of success, but you're not stopping now.

You know you are meant for more, and just need someone to support you.



I was a kid when my mom taught me the power of the mind and how to visualize.  I had no idea I was already manifesting some pretty cool things from what she taught me. 

I was working at what I thought was my dream job as TV Presenter, when I read the book, The Secret.

My life was comfortable, but I dared to create a whole new one using what I already knew I learned.

This took me on my own Eat, Pray, Love adventure. I was on a mission to find two things - my freedom & passion. 

Soon after I found myself in LA teaching yoga, as a single mom struggling both physically and financially. 

THIS WAS MY WAKE UP CALL to step up like never before, not just for myself but for my precious daughter.

Once I hired my own life coach , I started finding success and I knew that I wanted to coach too. 

Fast forward to today, I manifested what I wanted - doing what I love with time, location and financial freedom as I live in beautiful places and travel the world. 

I’ve learned that it’s the challenging times that lead you to where you’re meant to be. The support you get in the process is what turns your blindspots into your breakthoughs.

It’s now my life’s calling to support women who are still in the same place I was at - overwhelmed and confused about how to move forward yet driven to learn how manifestation can make it all happen.

a transformational coaching program
 for  the woman who is so ready to….



Xandrine is a certified Mindset and Manifestation Coach and Founder of the Magnetic Manifestor, transformational coaching program that supports mission driven women turn self doubt into unstoppable confidence to create a life + business they absolutely love.
Featured as Yahoo's Top 10 Manifestation Coaches to look out for in 2021, Xandrine is also a yoga teacher of over 1,000 hours of formal training. She uses a holistic approach that has helped hundreds of women embody their feminine power and confidence blending ancient practices with modern mindset techniques.
Xandrine is adventure seeking avid traveler, a global citizen having lived in 5 different countries, a former actress, model and International TV host of ESPN, and has written for multiple media publications such as Top Gear.

Professional Bio: